Christmas in the Benson
Dec. 17, 2024
The end of the semester is stressful, but we’ve got some Christmas cheer ringing through our halls!
Caroling is something the Chemistry department has done the last week of school during the breaks between classes from 8:50am to 12:00pm, every hour. There are faculty and staff in our department that are very musical, and we always encourage the students walking by to join in singing. Many who do join us are familiar with it from previous years and look forward to joining.
Besides singing, the Chemistry department has filled the halls with bright and happy holiday decorations, kicking off the decorations with the Benson tree lighting.
We wish all our students and faculty good luck as they finish up the semester. We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas break and finds peace in reflecting on the gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
“On that holy Christmas night, an angel shared the good news, the good tidings of great joy. ‘He who was the greatest made Himself the least—the Heavenly Shepherd who became the Lamb.’ ‘The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger. In all our trials, born to be our friend.’ I believe the angel was saying, ‘Your friend, your best friend has just arrived. And if you knew how closely He has watched you, how much you looked to Him when you lived with Him before, if you understood what He is going to sacrifice for you and how much He will ever after be willing to do to help you return home, you would rush to greet Him at the manger.’” -Tamara W. Runia
Photos provided by: Sofia Zubeldia Ouzts, Laurel Smith, Bryce Giesmann, and the Church of Jesus Christ